January 24th 2011 – Opening Gallery


The opening of our first exhibitions took place last Sunday. The work of Guido Geelen – deafening in its beauty – was on display on the top floor of the mixing building and, one floor below, the “The Prologue” exhibition, designed to provide a foretaste of what is to come. The only problem now is how to match these next time… Luckily, we have three months to work on this and to give the public time to view the current exhibitions.

Charles Esche opened the exhibitions, thereby, once again, setting the bar at pole-vaulting height. I can’t remember ever having heard such an enthusiastic speech before. Charles was invited to open the exhibition because of our new collaboration with the Van Abbemuseum. A selection of artworks from the Van Abbe is now on display in our gallery in a huge glass case designed especially for this purpose. This collaboration between a private and public party is guaranteed to break through conventions and replace problem-oriented thinking with a focus on opportunities, solutions and possibilities.

His speech made patently clear that this is no accident, but characteristic of the juncture in time at which we currently stand. These exhibitions – the completion of the entire building in fact – are the result of the desire and faith of all parties (municipality, the developer Amvest, the bank, all kinds of other parties and now also the Van Abbemuseum) that things be done differently. This is not a change driven by lack of choice or by the financial crisis or cost cuts, but a change because it is necessary, exciting and just plain fun to take advantage of opportunities.


Photography: Thomas Mayer

Please click the following link for more information about the exhibition. 

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