Tour by Piet Hein Eek
We offer tours around our site given by Piet Hein Eek. The duration is approx. an hour. The fee for this is € 450.00 excl. 21% VAT to 15 people, over 15 people there is € 25.00 excl. 21% VAT per person extra. Each group must consist of max. 35 people. The fee may differ during Dutch Design Week.
Tours by Piet are possible Monday-Friday, latest tour being 17:00. Piet does not give tours on weekends.
Are you interested in a tour? Please contact us via e-mail:
We are currently busy developing our new workshops. Therefore, it is not possible to schedule a workshop. Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to be notified of developments.
Schools are more than welcome to visit us. However we do ask that arrangements are made with us at least one week in advance to accommodate you. We want every visit to be educational for every student, which is why our shop, showroom and gallery is only accessable for schools as part of a guided tour by Piet Hein Eek or under the guidance of an employee. However, it is not certain that we can accomodate all requests.
Guidance of a group by a Piet Hein Eek employee costs € 150,- excl. 21% VAT per hour. Each group must consist of max. 30 people (for workshop tours the absolute maximum is 18 pupils).
Please give us a minimum four week’s advance notice of your visit. To request a visit, contact School groups arriving at the site without an appointment will be turned away.
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