Alongside my great love for art, our gallery owes its existence to the desire to create a place where our work can be placed in a broader context. We actually wanted to create our very own world in Eindhoven, so that it becomes more worthwhile to pop in for a visit, and with different reasons.
The gallery is now six years old and a whole series of exhibitions have been realised. We work together with artists from home and abroad who, without overly complicated procedures, are selected based on chance meetings. But it sometimes happens the other way round, that an artist runs into our work, which results in a meeting that then sometimes results in an exhibition.
James Cauty, ADP Wind Farm: Too Little, Too Late 2016, Plastic miniature figures, industrial jam jar, led lighting
At the PAN we are presenting works by three artists: Tokihiro Sato, James Cauty and Marc Mulders – respectively living and working in Tokyo, London and Oirschot. We have a special connection with each of them. The sculptural photos of Tokohiro Sato can only be created with the patience and care that are so characteristic of his homeland. With cheerfully morbid humour, James Cauty captures the tension and madness of London in jam pots and Marc Mulders throws open the enormous barn doors of his studio to paint the flowers in the meadow and the natural surroundings. All three artists have enormous dedication and above all endless patience.
Tokihiro Sato, Shirakami #3, 2008, Inkt-jet print
Marc struggled to capture the colours and the light of the environment in which he works, in darkness. Almost nothing was good enough for Marc’s critical eye and only a few weeks ago, when we had almost given up, he suddenly succeeded.
So we have a first: dark, colourful work by Marc Mulders. He mentioned, in passing, that dark paintings do not sell. But they are actually just as light and colourful as his lighter works. After all, these colours are also present at night, but you don’t see them, or you see them differently. This is true for all the pieces we exhibit: instantly enchanting. Instantly enchanted – as we were when we first saw it. If you take a closer look at Marc’s darker work, there is much more to discover.
Marc Mulders, BLACK FEATHERS 20.10.16, oil on canvas
It goes without saying that we will also bring a large number of our own objects, some of which have been created especially for the PAN. Now our work must provide the context. Coincidence or not, these are also darker pieces that have been created with dedication and with endless patience.
Please click here for more information about the artists we present at PAN and the art works available in our collection.
Please click here for more information about the PAN – 20-27 November 2016. We hope to meet you at Stand nr. 83.
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