A good deed



10% price increase = temporary 10% discount!
On 28 February your money will all of a sudden be worth 10% less at PHE! A very good reason to roll up our sleeves and try to tackle the deflation genie!
We are basically a rather traditional company and we earn our income by working very hard. Of course we always do this with new ideas and products. Never before have we implemented a comprehensive price increase, although everything is becoming more expensive. But now we thought: let’s take the lead and set a good example. We will make our things more expensive so that people with money, who would actually like to own one of our products, start to panic because they start thinking that their money is worth less and instead of saving, start spending.
The Dutch are in fact still generally very rich but have become increasingly frugal due to the ongoing crisis and complicated times. Although encouraged by politicians and other wise men, it seems that this is very bad for the economy, which is stagnating due to reduced consumer investment and increased saving. A price increase also brings a great advantage for us. We have several products in the collection that still generate insufficient earnings and we are extremely busy at the moment. Our products are therefore scarce as we can hardly keep up with demand and scarcity creates higher prices.
This is our supply and demand story so far. We are giving you 10% discount until 28 February because our prices will then be increased by at least 10%. 

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