30 March 2012 – Success comes when you least expect it


Today, it suddenly occurred to a number of people here that the Word Tables we’re creating for and with Marc Ruygrok may very well become a success story. I responded with scepticism and said that the chance of such a big success was very low since, after all, we never achieve immediate success with anything we sell. For a moment I thought, I shouldn’t write this down or Marc may feel insulted and start doubting the commercial viability of the tables – which, of course, is no different than doubting the work itself. Saying something out loud is just inviting disaster.

Likewise, when you sell something, you get a sense of acknowledgement and confirmation. After nearly twenty years of experience, we’ve learned, of course, that success cannot be predicted and that you are better off simply doing what you enjoy. Once again, trial and error has also taught us that this is where the greatest successes are to be found.

Alongside, or rather, above Marc Ruygrok’s exhibition will be an exhibition of the work of Harry van Dierendonck. All I know is that there will be animals made of old steel and an installation in the rest of the room that will probably also be made of junk. The result will be clarification of the fact that junk is not necessarily junk; to us, junk, or rather, material is by and large a source of income and there are plenty of battles being fought over raw materials in the world.

I’m curious what it will be. One thing is certain. Apart from once again thoroughly enjoying the creation process, it may very well turn out to be a resounding or moderate success.

Please click the following link for more information about the exhibition of Marc Ruygrok – Letters become words, 2 April until 30 June 2012. 

Please click the following link for more information about the exhibition of Harry van Dierendonck, 2 April until 30 June 2012. 

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