Daniel Ruanova – Translocating borders
Scherm 1
Bruce Nauman, Violin Film # 1 (playing The Violin As Fast As I Can), 1967-1968, 16mm film overgezet op video (PAL, zwart-wit, geluid), duur 11 min.
John Baldessari, Art Disaster, 1971, video (PAL, zwart-wit, geluid), duur 32:40 min.
Martha Rosler, Semiotics of the Kitchen, 1975, video (PAL, zwart-wit, geluid), duur 6:09 min.
John Baldessari, Four Minutes of Trying to Tune Two Glasses (For the Phill Glass Sextet), 1976, video (PAL, zwart-wit, geluid), duur 4:09 min.
Paul McCarthy, Black and White Tapes, 1970 – 1975, video (PAL, zwart-wit, geluid), duur 32:50 min.
Lawrence Weiner, Affected and/or Effected, 1974, video (PAL, zwart-wit, geluid), duur 22 min.
Scherm 2
Mike Kelley ,Beholden to Victory, 1970-1975, video (PAL, zwart-wit, geluid), duur 26 min.
Martha Rosler, A Budding Gourmet, 1974, video (PAL, zwart-wit, geluid), duur 16:58 min.
Paul McCarthy & Mike Kelly, Cultural Soup, 1987, video (PAL, kleur, geluid), duur 6:55 min.
Martha Rosler, Martha Rosler Reads Vogue, 1982, video (PAL, kleur, geluid), duur 28 min.
Mike Kelley, Blind Country, 1989, video (PAL, kleur, geluid), duur 19:57 min.