Cabinet for a professor

  • boeken-ramenkast-W
  • PHE_3508
  • communicerende-kast-showroom
  • boekenkast-zonder-glas


This series of three cabinets was specially designed for professor Tissen. Two cabinets have communicating windows. In total we have made tree communicating window cabinets, the third and last one for an artist in Amsterdam. All three cabinets have been made from Oregon pine scrapwood.

When we just started our company we sporadically found Oregon pine on scrapyards. The cabinets are quite primitive and handmade. The French cleats, the system on which the shelves are placed, are hand sawn, something we now do with a CNC machine. The interior is, with the lack of a paint shop, hand-painted. The fact that everything is done by hand gives the cabinets a characteristic appearance and you could say that this adds value to the final result. The sliding system with aluminum wheels and steel cables and brass spindles is surprisingly simple and has functioned without any problems for many years.

Object: communicating window cabinets
Dimensions (h x w x d): 290 x 250 x 40 cm
Material: scrapwood (Oregon pine), glass and paint
Price: SOLD

Object: communicating window cabinets
Dimensions (h x w x d): 299 x 54 x 29 cm
Material: scrapwood (Oregon pine), glass and paint
Price: SOLD

Object: serial produced cabinet without windows but with display shelves
Dimensions (h x w x d): 299 x 80 x 23 cm
Material: scrapwood (Oregon pine) and painted wood
Price: on request

Year: 1998

Literature: BOOK I, pp. 150-153

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