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D.O.M. (Luxembourg, 1957) studied anatomy, form, painting, sculpting, metal working, photography and art history at the art academies of Brussels, Paris and Florence for six years. He specialized in fresco restoration. Initially he worked in private collections in Europe and restored renaissance church frescoes.

In 1991 Dom reassed his view of art. This came to expression in 1992 in the unique sculptural harmony of D.O.M.’s ‘Sex Machines’ reflecting societies’ active dispute about sexuality, pleasure and love. The exhibitions in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and Chicago aroused the interest of art collectors all over the world.

In the 90s D.O.M. developed into a multi disciplinary artist. This by integrating his 3D series of robotic ‘Future Visions’. He extended his audience with thousands, amongst them many coming from the entertainment industry, and art collectors from all over the world. At about the same time D.O.M. started a new multi year  art project ‘The Woman Harley’. The resulting art objects, female shaped motor cycles, astounded his audience by realizing his vision to provide the world the experience to ride the future; ‘Woman Harley 7 x no.1 Series’. With his experiences of the ‘Woman Harley’s, a long term project ‘MI 7’ was born around 2010.

Due to his art projects, D.O.M.’s interest in interior design was aroused and united in the name of the ‘B.A.D Artists Group’ (Bike Art Design).   

The latest production is presented in the showroom at Piet Hein Eek. His robot installation is a combination of art and functional design. Take a seat at the bar of the female robot ‘Utina’ and enjoy the view.

Click this link for more information about the artist. 


Utina, 2020
Mixed media (mostly motor cycle parts)
Various dimensions

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