Mario D’Ambrosio – Hopeful Monsters Signs Supermarket


7 DECEMBER 2024 – 8 MARCH 2025

While the decisive step in evolution from man to Superman takes place in a controlled and jealously concealed laboratory, that of art takes place in plain sight: at “Signs Superstore”, at the Mart, as the place for hopeful monsters.

“Surface-born creatures” from well-curated packages, like ghosts conjured in a hodgepodge of hybrid signs, gain an unexpected “organic” life. They are a massive leap from micro to macro evolution, from disconnected signs to accomplished organism.
 Who are they? why do they emerge documenting our deep need: to set free in a game of signs?

Hopeful monsters, “organisms” with a profound mutant phenotype, establish a new evolutionary language, opening that decisive breach in our psychic shield, acting as colorful and placid liberating agencies.

Vanuit een perspectief van de fylogenie van vormen – organismen, binnen de hedendaagse kunst, zijn zij Reading them from a perspective of the phylogeny of forms- organisms, within contemporary art, they are the decisive telltale of our inner mirroring: from sign to life-giving artistic organism. Monsters that displaying their inner extraordinary nature, a decisive lever in our imagination.

Thus it, saturated and wounded, is lifted, healed and comforted, monstrously.

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