25 October 2011 – Book The Site


This is a piece of text with a double meaning, because by writing this piece I am trying to praise the book I have written. So if this text is poorly written, no one will want to read the book.

Just ask someone else to write about the book, you might say, but this is not an option as I write all the pieces on our site myself. This is actually also the core principle of our company: we do everything ourselves. And the book is all about how that went from bad to worse. How we took on more and more staff and the need grew for me to show my own ideas and for us to design in our own way. How we were able to get our hands on a building and, in complete chaos, made the impossible possible right in the middle of the crisis. About negotiations with the developer, the city council, the contractors and the bank. So, about money. But also about working and thinking, disappointments and good fortune and vision and coincidence.

The book is as chaotic as the reality was and as such offers a true representation of everything we went through. And who better to write about all this than the long-suffering (leading) subject himself? I have written about it as honestly and directly as possible and by reading it I hope that you will be able to share my ideas, feelings, desperation, doubt and successes.

You can order the book by transferring €12.00 to bank account, stating “Boekje het Pand”, postcode and house number. After payment has been received you will receive your copy in the post.

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