A wonderful weekend


12 DECEMBER 2022

Saturday 17 December

Schubert’s Winterreise by Hans van Heiningen, accompanied by Jeroen van Veen.

Sunday 18 December

Grand opening of the exhibition of Gabriel Roca in the temporary gallery.
Also on show in the Wonder Room: the latest work by Willem van den Hoed.

So a while passes and little happens and then suddenly “BANG” more beauty than
there was to see and hear in ages!
Hans van Heiningen told me some time ago that he has started singing again. (I didn’t know he had pretty much stopped) He loves it and has discovered that he has grown older, experienced, but with vocal chords like a young god! He sings die Winterreise by Schubert more beautifully than ever and is accompanied (also more beautifully than ever) by Jeroen van Veen.
When Gabriel Roca showed his new work a while ago, I was so impressed that I wanted nothing more than to make an exhibition. The work is ….. more beautiful than ever!

The concert is in the wonder room where new work by Willem van den Hoed is on display. They are wintry black-and-white city images with snow that Willem himself created. Thus, you could argue that with a war in the east and winter in the Netherlands, this exhibition is topical, but ultimately it is about beauty, even or especially in less clean times.

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