June 6th 2011 – Victory


We finally won another award. The first time I won an award was for the scrap wood cabinets back in 1990. Since then, I’ve created all kinds of different designs in a wide range of materials, but recognition in the form of an award persisted to allude me. It took fake scrap wood to rake in another one. This time it did not take place in Utrecht, but in New York, the centre of the world. So we have progressed somewhat apparently. Normally, I would not be shouting something like this from the rooftops, but the manufacturer of the wallpaper invested more than just his soul in the project. Yet, I still get this Clint Eastwood feeling; getting an Oscar for a film that is far from your best work, as a sort of consolation prize for your greatest achievements from the past. Luckily, we still have half a lifetime ahead of us.

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