30 years of posters by Studio BOOT



Studio BOOT is omnipresent at our place. Together, we came up with and implemented our brand identity (the little robot). It is more of a visual image and story than a fixed entity. This is exactly as we had initially envisaged it. But BOOT does more. One of their most eye-catching activities is designing and printing good old-fashioned posters. So old-fashioned that it has become hip again. There is now an exhibition on display in our stairwell, consisting of over thirty years’ worth of poster art, because when it comes to posters, their work is a step above the rest! 

Of course, as graphic designers, they also design books. For a while it seemed as if digitalisation would make books obsolete, but this belief has now also become old-fashioned. We present a book with 30 years of posters by BOOT. There has never been a bigger, better, more beautiful and especially more fun poster publication from one studio in book-form.

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